How will my child feel about me, because I chose adoption?

We educate the Adoptive Parents on the best way to tell the child they are adopted. This information is passed on to the child in a very positive way, and for this reason, children have positive feelings towards their Birth Parents. They will grow up knowing they are adopted and that you made the decision you did out of love. Your child will grow up in a family where they are treasured and loved, and they will thank you for your loving decision. Any child who grows up in a happy home will be a happy kid with no room for negative feelings.

Most Adoptive Parents share all the information they know about the child’s Birth Mother because they recognize this is a gift to the child. They will share their memories of you, how you looked, how grateful they are for your loving decision, and how much your sacrifice has meant to them. If you have an Open Adoption, there may be personal visits with your child if that was agreed upon, or letters and pictures exchanged. The same may be true of a Semi-open Adoption, except personal visits will not be part of the agreement. In these cases, you can share your story with your child in an age appropriate way.