Considering your Alternative Parenting (Adoption) Options?
Learn how adoption can work for you if you’re pregnant, still at the hospital, or want an adoption plan for a child that is already born. Florida Adoption Center provides services and advice to expectant and birth parents around Florida, including, but not limited to, Melbourne, Orlando, Kissimmee, Port St Lucie, Fort Pierce, and Vero areas.
1-855-899-5683 (LOVE)

Pregnant, Need Help?
Pregnant and want to discuss your parenting options? Not sure if you’re pregnant? Florida Adoption Center is here to provide help with your emotional, physical, or financial needs.
Intervention Adoption – Your Private Adoption Option for DCF Cases
Florida Adoption Center can help you choose who takes care of your child instead of letting the state choose. With an intervention adoption–DCF (Department of Children & Families) case, you can pick who raises your baby if the state has determined that you cannot.

Free Pregnancy Tests
We offer a Free Pregnancy Test at Florida Adoption Center because we know how important it is to have your pregnancy confirmed as early as possible. There are many reasons why it is important to know as early as possible.
Adoption F.A.Q.’s
Florida Adoption Center is always happy to help! Frequently asked questions for birth parents by birth parents to help us know what you need to know. If you cannot find the answer to your questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Pregnant and Considering PARENTING: Ask Yourself These Questions:
- What do I want out of life for myself?
- Could I handle a child and a job and/or school at the same time?
- Have I managed school and/or a job and other activities well in the past?
- Am I ready to give up the freedom to do what I want to do when I want to do it?
- An example of something I would have to give up by having a child with me is……….
- Am I willing to cut back on my social life and stay home while my friends go out?
- Would I miss my free time and privacy?
- Can I afford to support a child?
- Do I want to raise my child in the neighborhood I am living in now?
- How might a child interfere with my growth and personal development?
- How would parenting a child change my educational plans?
- Am I willing to give a great part of my life- AT LEAST 18 YEARS- to being a responsible parent?
- Do I like doing things with children?
- Do I want my child to be like me?
- Do I expect a child to make me happy?
- When I am around small children for a while, how do I feel after being around them?
- Am I able to give a child the love he/she needs/deserves?
- Am I patient enough to deal with the noise, confusion, and 24-hour-a-day responsibility of having a child?
- What kind of time and space do I need for myself?
- What do I do now when I am angry or upset?
- What would I do to a child if I lost my temper or became angry?
- What does good discipline mean to me?
- How would I discipline a toddler?
- Do I get along with my family?
- How would I take care of my child’s health and safety?
Pregnant and Considering ADOPTION: Questions to Explore:
- What are your options?
- Have you considered adoption? Why or why not?
- What option can help you achieve your goals? Would you consider adoption if you thought in the long run, it would help you reach goals?
- What are some of your goals: school, jobs, relationships? Would you consider adoption if you thought it would help you finish school and get the job that you wanted?
- Are you still involved with the father of the baby? Why or why not?
- Do you plan to marry the father of the baby? Why or why not?
- What are some of your hopes and fears about pregnancy?
- Do your parents know about the pregnancy?
- Would you be interested in meeting with other girls who are pregnant to discuss how to make decisions about this pregnancy?
- Would you consider adoption if you thought your child would have a better chance in life with another family?
- What concerns/ questions do you have about adoption?
- What does your family think about adoption?
- Would you like more information about adoption?
- Would you like to meet/talk to another girl/ woman who choose adoption?
- Would you be interested in talking to a family who had adopted a child?
- Would you be interested in talking to someone who was adopted?
- Would you consider adoption if you could meet the prospective adoptive parents and have a part in choosing the adoptive family?
- Would you consider adoption if you could see your child once in a while?
- Would you consider adoption if you could have information (picture, progress reports, updates) about your child growing up and knew everything was all right?
- Would you consider adoption if you were sure the adoptive family would give your child love, security, and a good home?
- Would you consider adoption if you knew the adoptive family has been thoroughly vetted for the adoption process including background checks, home assessment, etc.?
- Would you consider adoption if you knew it fulfilled your responsibility to the child and you could move on with your life?
Services throughout Central Florida include but are not limited to Melbourne, Orlando, Palm Bay, Apopka, Altamonte Springs, Kissimmee, St Cloud, Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Daytona Beach, St Augustine, Lakeland, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Tallahassee, Gainesville, All Florida.