Your daughter is pregnant?

We can understand you may be upset. We get calls all the time from parents about their pregnant daughters. An unexpected pregnancy can be stressful for the entire family. Often, the initial call we receive is a fact-finding mission, gathering information to help the family decide. We are happy to offer guidance and support to…

What is an Adoption Facilitator?

An adoption facilitator may be a clergyman, or doctor, who facilitates adoption by putting two parties together (Birth Mother/Parents and Adoptive Parents) who may already know each other. Facilitators are not licensed adoption agencies; they cannot charge a fee and do not provide other services. They link two parties together that’s it. To tell the…

Who pays what expenses?

All services are free to Birth Mothers.  If you have financial needs, those needs can be paid for by the Adoptive Family (within the limits of the law). Expenses the law allows to be paid by the Adoptive Parents are pregnancy-related medical and hospital expenses (not covered by insurance or Medicaid), and living expenses during…

Will I regret my decision?

Adoption is a heart-wrenching and emotional decision. It is normal to question your thoughts and feelings throughout the process. You may waiver over the course of the pregnancy until you come to a final decision. When you waiver, remember you have carefully considered your decision. Try and remember why you chose an Adoption Plan in…